Hey everyone I decided to make my first post related to GTM. I thought it would be really cool if I let you guys ask some questions and I would provide some answers.
To give some insight into who I am from GTM. I am KwonShiYun on GTM and I have been part of GTM since January 9th, 2015. I have had a very extensive history of GTM with 5 years of experience being a manager. I am also gifted with an absolutely amazing memory which is one of the reasons I would love to share some of that history with all of the GTM players.
I want to try to answer the questions related to me with GTM first and then I will answer the ones about GTM and its history only.
How did you find GTM?
I actually started playing Minecraft back in its alpha stages. I started playing with a friend and I actually really hated it. There weren't really any big servers at that time or any at all really except small ones that you could set up with friends on the browser to test out. So to be fair there really wasn't much to do.
Eventually, around the time I was 16 years old I was going through a really hard time and I had lost a really important hobby. My brother was trying to help me out by giving me something to take my mind off things. So he invited me to play Minecraft this was back in version 1.6.4. Our original plan was to play something with zombies like a DayZ Minecraft server but we couldn't really get any of them to work. We were on the verge of giving up and my brother is like "let's play a GTA server." which is pretty much how I ended up on GTM.
When did you become staff and how old were you?
I joined the staff team on March 21st, 2015. I actually was told to make an application a lot earlier than that but I wasn't entirely sure if I should so it took me a bit. I was 16 and 9 days away from 17.
Actually, the application process was very different back then compared to current applications. My application had only 3 sentences on it and the application was so bad that even though I was accepted they still put my application in the declined pile. POGGERS!
What made you apply for staff in the first place?
Generally, my reason was pretty much the same as everyone else that applies for staff and that was the desire to help others. I had already made friends on the staff team and I felt like I would be comfortable being around them so I applied after being asked.
What was your reaction to getting manager and what was the first thing you did?
So ranking up was a little different for me. I never truly got promotions like everyone else. I won't go into why but whenever I felt I was ready for a promotion I had to ask. I did get promoted really fast but I also didn't have a lot of competition at the time. There wasn't a lot of people I had to compete against to do "good". When I was admin and getting promoted to manager I actually was not suppose to be promoted. Another admin was supposed to be promoted that gave it up and I was just given the position since he declined it.
Sometimes one of my most disliked things to think about is what would have happened if this promotion happened instead of another one. Especially when it was legacy because a lot of the decisions to change from legacy had to do with promotions that had been done. As to where some of those decisions may have never been made if those promotions had never been done.
Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years?
Hopefully still part of GTM I would hope. GTM will always be a permanent hobby for me as long as it is open. I don't really have any reason to leave and the server has done wonders for me in terms of making friends.
Who was the first manager on GTM?
The first manager on GTM was a player named Mr_Zx.
Who made the fastest climb through the ranks to manager and admin?
I believe the fastest to manager was MixLogic. He got it a couple of days faster than I did. I got mine in around 7 months he got his around 7 months as well. Mix was actually a weird promotion though because we were kind of desperate for another manager even though we were not entirely sure if Mix was ready. He ended up being a good fit though and did a pretty good job.
The fastest admin though was H3ROBRINE1602. He got admin in a little under 4 months. Oh he also told me to tell everyone he is super handsome and amazing... (He threatened my life please help me .-.) I am kidding!
Brine was one of my first GTM friends ever!
What is the biggest change you have seen on the server?
This is a tough question because I think the obvious answer would be going from legacy to current GTM. I guess if I was talking more gameplay wise though I always thought going from legacy ground PVP to current GTM flying PVP was always a crazy change. I think the biggest change as of recently was achievements which aim in a PVE direction. GTM has never really had much for PVE content.
Will retards of GTM ever come back?
I ask myself this question a lot a post like this would need to be managed nowadays compared to back then. I thought about managing it as well and unfortunately just haven't gotten around to it.
Was there ever a manager that was banned or punished if yes why?
Yes, there was a point on GTM where I had to work and I wanted to find a manager to replace me. I made a very rash decision in promoting a manager named "xFunky" who was extremely abusive. I think actually 4? out of the 15 managers on GTM were demoted. Some managers resigned on poor terms though as well.
How long was legacy around and why did the owner decide to replace it with the current GTM?
Legacy lasted from January 2014 up until sometime in 2016 September-ish.
This is actually a heavily debated topic. I mean that a lot of players in the past didn't really understand or agree with the reasoning. Legacy wasn't really that big of a game mode and had a lot of flaws.
Like the plugins were not custom which might not sound like a big deal except the fact that when you have a server with a lot of plugins trying to work together that were made by different developers it can give you really poor performance. So a lot of legacy plugins were just always breaking.
The biggest reason we switched is that GTM wanted growth. Legacy was more like a minigame version of what GTM was really meant to be. It was limited in a lot of ways that made the game mode nearly impossible to expand on which is one of the reasons a lot of legacy servers die out. It's because they don't truly understand the issues behind getting legacy plugins to work together.
Who were the first build team members?
A lot of people won't know this name and I am not 100% sure if they were the first. It was Sanaoria.
In conclusion
GTM is really important to me as a whole. It gave me a purpose for many years and I hope to be here for years to come. Hope you all enjoyed this small little questionnaire.
I learned a lot reading this blog. Please make more!!!